
~ The Sisterhood of the Travelling Necklace ~

So ... you may or may not have remembered that in the midst of my globe trotting ways as of late ... I won another GiveAway. Seriously people, I do not know why my odds for this sort of thing are so high, but I find it best not to ask questions. I made my entry for this one while on my trip to Chicago-land almost a month ago. When Gina informed me that I had won, I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of my L'il Miss and so I told her to send it on to SoCal-land, which she did. Please keep in mind that it was mailed from St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. I can feel breezes just looking at it.

I am currently in the middle of a "project" that is taxing my psyche as well as my back and my sweet, breezy, coral necklace serves as the perfect inspiration.

Thank you, Gina and Isolabella. 'Cause it was 107 degrees when I got off the plane in the Land of AZ and breezes are in high demand.
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