So ... I'm not gonna lie. In my head I think my simplehappy home blog is kaput, just when one of my children reminds me that they have "people" who count on me for updates. So here I am again ... not really with apologies ... but with a new crop of photos of my brood.
I just came back from a trip to the Dubs where Miss Dub1 showed off her skills on a musical instrument sent by fave aunt and uncle, Sonny Boy and Mrs. Boy, from Cancun. The band-aid on her head hides a very ugly puncture wound
(pulled together by 6 stitches) that was inflicted by a
plastic golf club ... at golf class. No lie.

Here is Miss Dub2 showing off her spunky attitude on the playground. If there was a Spunk-O-Meter, she would be off the charts.
Miss Dub3 provides us with pure and simple scrumptiousness. Seriously, it is hard not to want to eat her whole.
Mr. Gee is honing is baseball skills ... and a lot of other skills that involve a lot of movement and very loud noise. He's a charmer, that Mr. Gee.
L'il Sis ... the "Sweet Pea" ... is oozing with charm also. Most of it oozes out of her head in the form of hair. Beautiful, curly hair. I'm pretty certain if you watched closely enough, you could see it grow.
Last but not least (
actually, I had other pics of Sonny & Mrs. Boy's spectacular Cancun vistas, but Blogger ate them ... this will force me to do more posts. I swear) is Ms. Gee's baby boy, Morrissey. Also ranking high on the Cute-O-Meter. You want to meet him in person, admit it.
That's it. I actually DO apologize and will try to do better.
Seriously, I will.
HEY! Blogger did come through! Enjoy this vicariously ... just as I had to. Sonny Boy and the Mrs. are spectacular photographers!